3 min read

Ancestries of Skies of Mor-ladron

I’ve finally done it, folks. I have settled on the seven ancestries that will populate this area of Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM): anakim, dwarves, fungorians, goblins, humans, mallki and muki, and wode elves. (As more places are discovered, other ancestries might also appear.) I already talked about wode elves and goblins, and not much has changed in those ancestries, so I won’t mention them again here. 

I had planned on sharing the ancestries’ mechanical benefits in this post, but MCDM is considering changing how the ancestries are put together, so I’ll wait until that’s settled before I get into the details. For now, I have some short blurbs describing the other major ancestries you’ll encounter in SoM. 



The anakim are one-eyed half-giants that comprise a large portion of Empyrean’s population, though they can also be found in other cities. I talked about their mechanics here. They stand 7 to 8 feet tall and typically have a muscular frame that fits their stature. 

The anakims’ defining feature is their singular large eye. Some would think having only one eye would be a disadvantage, but not for these folk. An anakim’s eye can pierce darkness, fog, and even the cloak of magic. It also allows them to glimpse the immediate future, giving them unnaturally quick-seeming reflexes. The anakim are in high demand as bodyguards, and their size and strength lend themselves to martial feats. However, most apprentices in the Arcane Towers of Empyrean are also anakim.


The dwarves, also known as the stone folk, mainly reside in Empyrean, although a decent number live and work on the volcanic island of Blackstone. Another small dwarf clan has made their home on the newly discovered Mount Ancora. Dwarves are a sturdy folk, standing 4 to 5 feet tall. They have stone-like skin and, instead of hair, minerals that look like gems grow from their heads. 

Dwarves are the longest-lived ancestry in SoM, living an average of 120 years. Most of the other ancestries live to be about 80. Thanks to their longer lives, they have perfected the art of rune crafting; it is said the dwarves are the ones who helped bring the Empire to its heights of power before the breaking of the world. The Blackstone guild and, by extension, the dwarves are largely responsible for the more recent invention of handheld portable runepowered weapons, the runelock musket and pistol.


Fungorians are a mushroom people. Most reside in the deep, dark parts of the Green Isle, where they’ve historically lived in a symbiotic relationship with the elves. Others have made a home in the dark neighborhoods of lower Hilean. 

Fungorians are almost alien compared to the other ancestries that call this world home. They have no mouths, absorb nutrients through their skin, and communicate telepathically through invisible spores that they emit. The most unique thing about them is how they reproduce: for a fungorian to produce offspring, they must die. A fungorian’s offspring grow from their corpse. Because of this, a fungorian retains some of their parent’s memories; some can even recall vague memories from their grandparent. 


Most humans live in the Duchy of Hilean, while a significant minority make their home in Empyrean. During the demonic wars, humans began exhibiting an inborn resistance to the supernatural, and some can detect nearby magic. Scholars assume the origin of these abilities is something in human biology that makes them extremely adaptable or a deity’s blessing. Some scholars, primarily non-human, conjecture that these abilities might be the only reason that any humans survived the wars. 

Mallki & Muki 

The mallki and muki aren’t technically an ancestry in the truest sense of the word, but there are enough of them around that it’s possible to discuss them in much the same way. Both mallki and muki almost solely make their home in the Duchy of Hilean, as that is where they are created. 

Mallki are human or goblin citizens of Hilean who have received the blessing of Lady Tristessa, which gives them immortality in the form of undeath. Although technically anyone can receive the blessing, it is generally gifted to the nobility and those loyal to the Lady. A lottery system seems to be in place, occasionally elevating one of lower birth with the blessing. The mallki make up a class of their own in society, and whether they came from high or low birth, all denizens of Hilean treat them with respect and some reverence. 

The muki are humans or goblins who have committed the most serious of crimes. They are branded and sentenced to unlife so that they can toil endlessly in the mines, producing the ores Hilean needs for trade. 

Socially, there is a major difference between the mallki and muki. However, the only true difference is that the mallki can heal their wounds and, therefore, retain their original appearance. The muki cannot heal. Priests of Lady Tristessa brand the mukis’ faces so their status is clear to all, and every scar and wound they receive stays open. Over time, they become more and more disfigured.

What do you think of these ancestries? Which ones catch your eye and make you want to play? Let me know in the comments!