It sounds like the newest Draw Steel playtest packet might be the last one we get before the final product is released! As they're down to making minor tweaks and balance fixes, I figured it was time to start customizing the character creation process for Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM) so that my players can start playing in the world as soon as they wish.
For the next three posts, I'll go through the character creation process—adding, tweaking, and re-flavoring different aspects to fit my world better. Today, we're talking about the first two steps: Ancestries, then Cultures and Languages.
The first step in creating a character in Draw Steel is choosing an ancestry, similar to picking a race or species in D&D. I have talked about the ancestries before; you can read about them here and here. For now, I'm only sharing the mechanics of those ancestries. A lot of these ancestries are pretty similar to, if not outright the same as, the official ones in Draw Steel, but I wanted to have them all in one location for ease of reading.
I showcase the Fungorian ancestry first as it is the most customized, with some original abilities and one or two taken from unused ancestries. The rest are in alphabetical order. The Humans are exactly the same as the official Draw Steel version. The Goblins and Mallki/Muki are drawn from Draw Steel races, but I use my own names for the ancestries (officially, they are the Polders and Revenants). The Elves, Dwarves, and Anakim (Hakaan-based) are mostly the same as their Draw Steel counterparts, with one or two abilities switched out.
If you want to see what all the official versions look like, you can look at them on Forge Steel, a wonderful fan-made character builder. You can also use Forge Steel to walk through the character creation process. It makes creating characters really easy, and I suggest trying it out if you play Draw Steel.
Now, on to the ancestries!
Fungorian Signature Traits |
Psycorrhizal Network |
As a Maneuver, you can communicate telepathically with any Fungorian you personally know that is within 1 mile. As a respite activity, you can bond with a number of non-Fungorian creatures equal to your level and you can communicate with them this way as well. This psionic bond helps strengthen your mind against psychic attacks, granting you psychic immunity equal to your level. |
Ancestral Recall |
Accessing your ancestors' memories is as easy as living in the present. You have an edge on all tests made to recall lore. |
Small! |
Your size is 1S. |
Purchased Traits | You have 3 ancestry points to spend on the following traits. |
Grown in the Dark |
You see well in the dark. Creatures who aren’t hidden from you are not granted concealment from you because of darkness, negating the usual bane on attacks against them. Your body can also shed a soft blue/green light for 10 squares. You can turn this light on and off as a maneuver. |
Mycelium Grip |
You can send thread-like tendrils into objects and creatures to help you climb. You gain the Climb keyword to your speed entry. You also gain an edge to climb creatures and resist being thrown off of them. |
Taming Spores |
Invisible Spores float around you, creating a calming effect on any animals you interact with. This gives you an edge on presence tests that use the Handle Animals skill. |
Don't Eat Me |
You have poison immunity equal to your level. Additionally, you gain the following ability: Poison Spores When you take damage, you can let out a small defensive burst of poisonous spores
Psionic Gift |
You gain one of the following signature abilities. Concussive Slam You slam an invisible force down upon the target.
Power Roll + Reason, Intuition, or Presence:
Psionic Bolt You shoot forth a beam of psychic purple force that grips your target.
Power Roll + Reason, Intuition, or Presence:
Minor Acceleration You fill yourself or an ally with a burst of energy. Effect: The target's speed increases by an amount equal to your Reason, Intuition, or Presence score (your choice) until the start of your next turn. |
Anakim Signature Traits |
BIG! |
Your size is 1L. |
Purchased Traits | You have 3 ancestry points to spend on the following traits. |
All Is A Feather |
You are exceptionally strong and have an edge on tests that use the Lift skill. |
Forceful |
When you force move a creature or object, you can increase the distance moved by 1. |
Stand Tough |
Your body is made to withstand your enemies' blows. Your Might score counts as 1 higher for resisting potencies. |
Great Fortitude |
Your hearty constitution prevents you from losing strength. You can't be weakened. |
All-Seeing Eye |
Your senses extend past mundane obscuration and the veil of the future alike. You can’t be surprised. You also instinctively know the location of any concealed creatures who aren’t hidden from you, negating the usual bane on attacks against them. Additionally, whenever you are attacked, you can use a triggered action to impose a bane on the power roll. |
Dwarf Signature Traits |
Runic Carving |
You can carve a rune onto your skin, and the magic within your body activates it. The rune you carve determines the benefit you receive. You can change or remove this rune with 10 minutes of work while not engaged in combat.
Purchased Traits | You have 3 ancestry points to spend on the following traits. |
Grounded |
Your heavy stone body and connection to the earth make it difficult for others to move you. Your stability increases by 1. |
Stand Tough |
Your body is made to withstand your enemies' blows. Your Might counts as 1 higher for resisting potencies. |
Passionate Artisan (1 Point) |
You have a passion for creation. Choose two skills from the crafting skill group. Whenever you make a project roll using these skills, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll. |
Great Fortitude |
Your hearty constitution prevents you from losing strength. You can't be weakened. |
Spark Off Your Skin |
Your stone skin affords you potent protection. Your Stamina increases by 6 at 1st level, then increases by 3 each time you gain a new level. |
Elf Signature Traits |
Elf Glamor |
You can magically alter your appearance to better blend in with your surroundings. You gain an edge on Agility tests made to hide and sneak, and tests made to find you while you are hidden take a bane. |
Purchased Traits | You have 3 ancestry points to spend on the following traits. |
Forest Walk |
You can shift into difficult terrain. |
High Senses |
You have senses that are keen and perceptive. You have an edge on Intuition tests that use the Awareness skill. |
Swift |
Your speed is 6. |
Nature's Grace |
Your elf body and mind can't be contained for long. You succeed on saving throws when you get a 5 or higher. |
The Wode Defends |
You have the following signature ability. The Wode Defends
Power Roll + Might or Agility:
Goblin Signature Traits |
Shadowmeld |
You gain the following ability. Shadowmeld
Effect: You flatten yourself into a shadow against a wall or floor you are touching and become hidden from any creature you have cover or concealment from or who isn’t observing you. While in shadow form, you have full awareness of your surroundings, attacks against you and tests made to find you take a bane, and you can’t move or take actions or maneuvers except to exit this form. Any ability or effect that targets more than 1 square affects you in this form only if it explicitly affects the surface you are flattened against. You can exit this form as a maneuver. |
Small! |
Your size is 1S. |
Purchased Traits | You have 3 ancestry points to spend on the following traits. |
Corruption Immunity |
Your innate shadow magic gives you corruption immunity equal to your level + 2. |
Graceful Retreat |
When you take the Disengage move action, you can shift 1 additional square as part of the move action. |
Poltergeist |
When you start your turn while no creatures have line of effect to you, or while you are hidden from or have concealment from all enemies with line of effect to you, your speed is increased by 3 until the end of your turn. |
Fearless |
Courage is all you know. You can't be frightened. |
Nimblestep |
Your light feet allow you to ignore the effects of difficult terrain and move at full speed while you are sneaking. |
Human Signature Traits |
Detect the Supernatural |
As a maneuver, you open your awareness to detect supernatural creatures and phenomena. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any supernatural object, undead, construct, or creature from another plane of existence within 5 squares of you, even if you don't have line of effect to them. You know if you're detecting an item or a creature and you know if a creature is undead, a construct, or from another plane of existence. |
Purchased Traits | You have 3 ancestry points to spend on the following traits. |
Can't Take Hold |
Your connection to the natural world allows you to resist supernatural effects. You ignore difficult terrain (but not other effects) created by magic and psionic abilities. Additionally, when you are force moved by a magic or psionic ability, you reduce the forced movement by 1. |
Perseverance |
Giving up is for other people. You have an edge on tests that use the Endurance skill, and when you are slowed, your speed is reduced to 3 instead of 2. |
Resist the Unnatural |
Your connection to the natural world protects you from unnatural forces. When you take damage that isn't untyped, you can use your triggered action to halve the damage. |
Determination |
Your anatomical tolerance for pain allows you to push through difficult situations. If you are frightened, slowed, or weakened, you can use a maneuver to immediately end the condition. |
Staying Power |
Your human anatomy allows you to fight, run, and stay awake longer than others. Increase your number of Recoveries by 2. |
Mallki & Muki Signature Traits |
Tough but Withered |
Your undead body grants you cold, corruption, lightning, and poison immunity equal to your level. You also have fire weakness 5. You can't suffocate, and you don't need to eat or drink to stay alive. Additionally, when your Stamina equals the negative of your winded value, you become inert instead of dying. You can continue to observe your surroundings, but you can't speak, take actions, maneuvers, triggered actions, or move, and you fall prone. If you take any fire damage while in this state, your body is destroyed, and you die. Otherwise, after 12 hours, you regain Stamina equal to your recovery value. |
Purchased Traits | You have 2 ancestry points to spend on the following traits or 3 ancestry points to spend if your size is 1S. |
Previous Life |
You gain a purchasable trait that costs 1 ancestry point from your previous ancestry. You can take this trait multiple times, selecting a new cost 1 trait from your previous ancestry each time you take this trait. |
Undead Influence |
Your supernatural gifts allow you to influence other undead. You gain an edge on Reason, Intuition, and Presence tests made to interact with undead creatures. |
Bloodless |
For you, an open wound is indistinguishable from a scratch. You can't become bleeding. |
Previous Life |
You gain a purchasable trait that costs 2 ancestry points from your previous ancestry. |
Vengeance Mark |
As a maneuver, you place a magic sigil on a creature within 10 squares of you. When you place a sigil, you can decide where it appears on the creature's body and whether the sigil is visible to only you or to all creatures. You always know the direction to the exact location of a creature who bears one of your sigils and is in the same world as you. You can have an active number of sigils equal to your level. You can remove a sigil from a creature harmlessly (no action required). If you are already using your maximum number of sigils and place a new one, your oldest sigil disappears with no other effect. Additionally, you gain the following signature ability. Detonate Sigil A magical sigil you placed on a creature explodes with energy. Keywords: Magic, Ranged, Strike Type: Action Power Roll + Reason, Intuition, or Presence:
Effect: The sigil disappears from the creature. |
Cultures and Languages
The Culture you choose reflects where and how you were raised. A culture grants you a language and skills granted by your selected Environment, Organization, and Upbringing. If you want to know more about these categories and their subcategories, you can read about them on the Steel Compendium, a fan-made online resource of the rule set. It has not been completely updated with the latest rule set as of this post, but this section is up to date.
I have curated and renamed several Draw Steel cultures to better fit into the world of Skies of Mor-ladron. You can view the official cultures on Forge Steel here. Of course, if a player wants to design something that fits their character idea better, they can always work with the director to create a custom culture.
The Cultures of the Main Islands
Nobles and other upper-class citizens that live on the main isles. In Hilean, this could mean a high-ranking clergy member. In Empyrean, you could be the family member of an influential magus' master apprentice. In Sylvialis, you could be related to a Master Gardener or high-ranking guild member in the lumber industry.
Shop owners, craftsmen, and other skilled workers—the middle class, so to speak.
Dock workers, street cleaners, beggars, and others who make a living doing hard or undesirable work or are possibly unable to get any work at all.
Thieves, spies, and smugglers; those who work outside the law.
You lived and studied in a place of higher learning. In Hilean, this would be part of the Church of the Lady, whereas in Empyrean, you would have studied in one of the Towers of the Magi. In Sylvialis, you would have learned at the foot of a Green Elder or Master Gardner.
Additional Sylvialis Cultures
Wode Tribe—Wilderness/Anarchic/Labor
Not all in Sylvialis live in one of the baronies; plenty still live and thrive in the wode.
Fungorian Cavern—Secluded/Communal/Creative
While many Fungorians live in the wode and other towns and cities, the bulk of them live in the caverns on Sylvialis, interacting very little with the outside world, except for the trade they need with the elves.
Pirate Haven—Urban/Communal/Illegal
Stormspire is run by pirates, delvers, and smugglers. Loose laws attempt to keep the peace between the different factions and the rough people who live there, but you can get away with quite a lot. Some might call it an isle of scum and villainy.
Small Islands
The smaller islands are mostly made up of mining, farming, and sky-fishing towns and villages or other resource extraction-focused endeavors.
Mining Village—Rural/Bureaucratic/Labor
Farming Village—Rural/Communal /Labor
You grew up under the care of pirates, so cool! I'm sure you had a healthy and well-rounded childhood.
Traveling Merchant—Nomadic/Bureaucratic/Creative
Some people travel a lot for work; you or the people you grew up with took that to heart. Travel was the work.
Mercenary/Privateer/Pirate Hunter—Nomadic/Bureaucratic/Martial
The Isles might be at peace officially, but that doesn't mean someone somewhere isn't willing to pay for violence to get the upper hand. You can always use the excuse that you thought those people were pirates.
Sky-Fishing—Nomadic/Communal /Labor
People need to eat, and you grew up following colossal schools of fish through the skies, catching and selling them back in the cities and towns.
Forbidden School—Secluded/Bureaucratic/Illegal
Somewhere, either on a secluded island or hidden in the heart of a city, someone taught you things you should not know: dark magic, the art of assassination, or something equally sinister. You trained apart from the world until it was time for you to use your forbidden knowledge.
The languages given by your culture are rather straightforward. If you are born or raised in Hilean or a town or village under its influence, you speak Hilean; the same is true of Empyrean (Empyrean) and Sylvialis (Sylviali). If you are born or raised on Stormspire, you can speak Spire-Empyrean.
There are a few other languages as well. Goblins and Fungorians came into this story later and still have their own languages, referred to as goblin and fungorian. Merchants/sailors and travelers also use a pidgin language to navigate and negotiate with one another. Your career choice grants that. Multiple dead languages exist, which you can only gain in character creation based on your career, so we will talk more about those in a future post. However, you can learn languages (including dead languages) using downtime actions.
That is all for this week. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Next time, we'll review my changes and tweaks to careers and perks!