2 min read

Helping Player Direction and Goals

Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM) is a large world that can support many different themes and storylines, which is wonderful: players can do or be anything. But that comes at a price. The players have to know what they want to do or be. Having too many choices can paralyze and overwhelm them. 

One method for dealing with this is obvious. I could come up with a story and pitch it to my players. They would be totally fine with that. But it’s more interesting to me, as a GM/Director, to let the players loose and see what they do in and, let’s be honest, to my world (probably not good things, but that’s part of the fun). 

So, instead, I'm creating a framework to give my players a starting point by stealing an idea from the Forged in the Dark (FiTD) games: crews. 

Scum and Villainy is a FiTD game set in space. You can choose from 3 crews/spaceships: smugglers, bounty hunters, and rebels. Your choice gives your group different abilities and bonuses, plus a ship that aligns with your crew's interests. Now, there is nothing stopping a smuggler from joining the rebellion or rebels doing some bounty hunting, but choosing a crew gives the GM and players a clear direction for the type of game they want. 

I want to do something similar for the Skies of Mor-ladron. I’ve created a list of themes or playstyles my players might want to explore in Skies. I can't think of everything my players would want to do, so this will be a constantly evolving list. 


Delvers explore the ruins in the area of the shattered sky. A large grouping of islands float here, almost like an asteroid field, covered in the ruins of the world below. Delvers search for lost artifacts—for themselves, to sell on the black market, or at the behest of a wealthy patron. Only the most clever and powerful return with what they seek. 

Benefit: Start the game with a Patron/Organization

Demon Slayers

Mount Ancora is the location of a constant war versus the demon hordes of the world below. The mountain, deemed home by some and holy by others, is constantly under attack as the demons seek to overwhelm the mountain and bring their domination of the world below to its completion. 

Benefit: Start the game with a Stronghold


Masterminds thrive in the world of urban intrigue, attending galas and rubbing elbows with the wealthy to spy on them or case the joint for an elaborate heist. Masterminds can work for the good of the people or a family/organization. Sometimes, they’re in it for themselves, focused only on gaining power and wealth. 

Benefit: Start the game with a Patron/Organization


The original SoM group sailed a ship through the skies, dodging pirate hunters, boarding merchant vessels, and smuggling goods. A pirate’s ship is their home, and adventure is only a gust of wind away.

Benefit: Start the game with a ship


Rebels see the current rulers as corrupt or inept, and they must be taken down! They work with their fellows to disrupt the power of those in charge and hope to free their neighbors from their yoke…  Or do rebels seek to topple the authorities so that they may take the throne?

Benefit: Start the game with a hideout

As I said, these categories act more like guidelines for the beginning of the campaign. Players could go in any direction, but having a good starting point allows them to get a feel for the world before I set them loose. Plus, choosing a crew setup also gives them something to fall back on if they don’t know what to do next. 

Let me know what you think and if you can think of any other crew types that might deserve a mention!