Helping Player Direction and Goals

Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM) is a large world that can support many different themes and storylines, which is wonderful: players can do or be anything. But that comes at a price. The players have to know what they want to do or be. Having too many choices can paralyze and…

Vertical Map of the World

Last week, I was thinking about temperature and weather and how I want them to work in the Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM). Since pretty much everything happens in the sky, the traditional “north is cold and south is warm” environment didn't seem like a fun or logical way…

Ancestries: First Thoughts

Today’s post is a workshop on some ancestries I’ve been thinking about, mostly in the lore and worldbuilding sense rather than mechanics. I have some robust ideas for a few ancestries and a kernel of an idea for others, so I am definitely looking for your feedback!  Goblins…

Hippogriffs and History

I'm in the middle of writing a timeline for the history of the Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM), starting with the Great Catastrophe when the world was sundered and the cities rose into the skies to escape. (I definitely need to come up with a shorter name than “the…

Homebrew Ideas: What I want to change for my world.

Reading through the Draw Steel rules has me pumped to both play and create for this game. So many ideas are whirling around in my head! It seems like it’s going to be relatively easy for people to make their own content for Draw Steel, which is exciting.    For…

Draw Steel: Combat and Negotiation

2/24/2025: This is a review of an older version of the game but its generally still correct, just some of the examples might be out of date. If you wish too see more up to date examples, you can visit the fan made character builder Forge Steel for…

Draw Steel: MCDM RPG Patreon Packet & Rules Review!

2/24/2025: This is a review of an older version of the game but its generally still correct, just some of the examples might be out of date. If you wish too see more up to date examples, you can visit the fan made character builder Forge Steel for…

Grounding the Fantastical

I love worldbuilding, creating new worlds from scratch, and seeing what adventures occur there. But as any good GM does, I also love stealing ideas and tweaking them to make them my own, and in this case, what I want to steal is history. Using an event or time period…