Short Fiction: Turning the Tide

“Captain? They’re gaining on us,” one of the crew called, as though Davin couldn’t see that for himself. The Valiant Effort was a nimble little ship; the crew was devoted, if green. Both were all Davin and his small band of adventurers could afford. The ship pursuing them…

Foundations and Truths

What makes the Skies of Mor-ladron the Skies of Mor-ladron? What are the things that must be? These are the setting’s Foundations, and it’s a pretty short list.  * It must be a world set in the sky with floating islands and airships.  * A lot of things can be…

Out With the Old, Part 3: Races, The Odd Ones

All right, time for races, part two! Let’s take a look at some of the more nonstandard races in the world of Skies. Demikind Demikind are one of the rarest sights in Skies, the only half-race that exists. Demikind are half-celestial, with the other half of their heritage being…

Out With the Old, Part 2: Races of Mor-ladron

What kinds of humanoids filled the Skies of Mor-ladron after the Catastrophe? First, I’ll touch on three common playable fantasy races and why I didn’t include them (and what’s changed). Then, we’ll look at what other races have been playable in the multiple revisions of Skies.…

In the Beginning...

Welcome to the Skies of Mor-ladron! You’ve come to a place filled with soaring airships, floating islands, and adventure of every kind. On this blog, you’ll find details about my Skies of Mor-ladron homebrew: world-building lore, fiction, and discussions of how I’m converting my world from D&…