Supernatural Gunslingers

Since MCDM released the Draw Steel Creator License and backer packets, I’ve seen an explosion of homebrew kits, ancestries, magic items, and classes. A few people created cool gunslinger classes for the game, but I didn’t think I would want or need one in my world. 

First, classes will probably be the hardest thing to create, so if I don't need to create one to fill a void, then I won't. Second, having a specific class makes me think being a gunslinger is uncommon. What's the difference between a tactician/fighter and a gunslinger? A fighter can already use all weapons, so unless guns are rare, they’ll be part of the fighter’s class makeup. Although guns have not taken over yet as the dominant weapon of choice in the Skies of Mor-ladron, they are not rare, so I can just create some kits and let players use those. That was my thinking.

Then I read a book. 

Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan is the first book in The Powder Mage Trilogy. The series includes a class of magic users called powder mages, who have a connection with gunpowder and can use it for multiple things. They can cause it to explode and imbibe it to gain strength, speed, and enhanced sight. They can also nudge bullets, so they have better accuracy at long ranges than ordinary people. Some of the most powerful powder mages can even bend or turn their bullets mid-flight (like in the movie Wanted). As I read, I started thinking about how to create something similar in SoM. 

Psionic Gunslingers 

My first thoughts were of psionics (powers of the mind, like telepathy and telekinesis), as that seemed like the closest parallel and the easiest way to let someone manipulate bullets. 

I haven't mentioned psionics or psychic powers much, but in earlier versions of SoM, fungorians had some psionic abilities and were the only race that could use any of the psionic-based subclasses in D&D. I’m not sure how psionics will fit into this Draw Steel version of the world. Still, they will exist because they are a big part of Draw Steel. Two of the nine core classes will be based on psionics: the talent (psionic caster) and the null (psionic monk) classes. I’m excited to see those classes in an upcoming playtest packet. 

Promise of Blood inspired how I picture a psionic gunslinger in SoM. They can use powers that boost their range or add a psychic burst to an attack to do more damage. I’m still not sure there is enough here for a whole new class, but maybe it could be a subclass for either the talent or null. We will have to wait and see! 

Arcane Gunslingers

In this world, where magic is a very real thing, perhaps wielders of the arcane pick up runepowered weapons. They could use them as fancy foci, casting their spells through them. Maybe they’re more like a spellsword who shoots magical bullets with special effects. I could see infusing bullets with fire damage or multiplying them so that a rain of bullets falls upon their enemies. Someone could open small portals for their gun to shoot through so they can make impossible shots while shooting straight. Again, this probably isn’t enough for a whole class unless I make a different style of shooting based on each element (which actually would be pretty cool).  

Why Not Both?

Why not create a gunslinger class but make it so each subclass is a different source of power? Psionics, arcane, maybe divine or demonic magic? 

Granted, all options open up questions. If a gunslinger can curve bullets, why not archers and crossbowmen with their arrows? Maybe there is a lore reason to explain why it only works for bullets. Maybe the power gets opened to all ranged weapon users. I need to think on this some more, ask my players what they think, and see how supernatural gunslingers might fit into the world and what changes they might introduce. 

Until then, let me know your thoughts! Do you think there could be a place for a supernatural gunslinger? Or should runepowered weapons and their ilk be left in the hands of non-magic users? Let me know in the comments below!