The Fallen Protectors: Celestials

The gods are gone from the world of Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM). Maybe they will return one day; maybe they’re gone forever. Only time will tell. I wanted a way to have active divine or holy influences in the world, a small connection.  It won’t be enough of…

Vertical Map of the World

Last week, I was thinking about temperature and weather and how I want them to work in the Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM). Since pretty much everything happens in the sky, the traditional “north is cold and south is warm” environment didn't seem like a fun or logical way…

Ancestries: First Thoughts

Today’s post is a workshop on some ancestries I’ve been thinking about, mostly in the lore and worldbuilding sense rather than mechanics. I have some robust ideas for a few ancestries and a kernel of an idea for others, so I am definitely looking for your feedback!  Goblins…